- 500 gr White rice, fluffier, materials rice roll
- 1 tsp sesame oil, rice material roll
- 1 tsp Indofood soy sauce, rice material roll
- 2 tbsp happy soy oil soya oil, chicken stir-fry ingredients
- 1 clove garlic, finely chopped, chicken stir-fry ingredients
- 200 gr chicken, thinly sliced lengthwise, chicken stir-fry ingredients
- 1 tbsp oyster sauce, chicken stir-fry ingredients
- 1 tbsp Indofood soy sauce, chicken stir-fry ingredients
- 1 tsp sesame oil, chicken stir-fry ingredients
- 1/2 tsp sugar, chicken stir-fry ingredients
- 2 eggs chicken eggs, omelet ingredients
- 1/4 tsp salt, ingredient omelet
- 1 tbsp happy soy oil soya oil, ingredients omelet
- 4 pieces nori, size 18x20 cm, complementary materials
- 1 piece carrots, cut into matchsticks and boiled, complementary materials
- 100 gr spinach, boiled, complementary materials
- 1 tbsp sesame, roasted, complementary materials
Cooking Steps
- Rice rolls: Mix rice, sesame oil, soy sauce Indofood in a large bowl, mix well and set aside.
- Saute the chicken: heat oil Happy soybean Soya Oil, saute garlic until fragrant. Add chicken and stir until chicken changes color. Season with oyster sauce, soy sauce Indofood, sesame oil and sugar. Stir until chicken is cooked, remove from heat and set aside.
- The omelet: Mix eggs together with salt, heat the soy oil Happy Soya Oil in a flat pan, pour the egg mixture while averaging up to be fried. Cook until cooked, lift, cut lengthwise.
- Prepare the bamboo mat, place a sheet of nori on it, flatten rice over nori, governance sauteed chicken, omelet, carrot and spinach.
- Roll with the help of bamboo mat, while condense slowly. Do it until all consumables.
- Remove the bamboo mat, kimbab sprinkle with toasted sesame.
- Cut a 2 cm with a sharp knife and had smeared sesame oil.
- Ready to be served.