Smoked Bacon/ham Carbonara

Smoked Bacon/ham Carbonara

Cooking Steps

  1. Cook in a pot of water that is high enough to boil.
  2. Put in spaghetti and maintain that all parts submerged, cook approximately 7-8 minutes depending on the desired level aldente.
  3. Drain spaghetti and flush with cold water and then pour a little olive oil.
  4. Rough chopped sweet onion.
  5. Cut large enough Porcos about 25 grams of smoked bacon / smoked ham.
  6. Set in a container or bowl of eggs that are mixed gently and put thereto the parmesan cheese and stir until evenly.
  7. Pour enough olive oil into the pan.
  8. Light a fire with medium strength high.
  9. Put in sweet onions, sauteed briefly (do not let into brown color).
  10. Put in pepper and parsley and saute spaghetti.
  11. Put in spaghetti was boiled before.
  12. Saute all together briefly.
  13. Immediately pour the spaghetti stir into the bowl containing the egg mixture and stir until evenly distributed parmesan cheese and looks creamy.
  14. Serve on a plate and at the top can be put another 25 grams Porcos smoked bacon / smoked ham.

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