Baked Tuna Pasta

Baked Tuna Pasta

Cooking Steps

  1. Boil pasta in 1.5 liters of water which has been added a pinch of salt until cooked medium (al dente), remove and drain. Set aside.
  2. Heat Happy Soya Oil soya oil, saute garlic and onion until scented. Add the broth, Indofood tomato sauce, bay leaf oregano, sugar, black pepper and salt. Seasoning mix until blended.
  3. Add green pepper, red pepper, tuna, boiled pasta, lemon juice and chopped parsley. Stir well. Lift.
  4. Put the pasta dough in a heat resistant dish, sprinkle with cheddar cheese that has been shredded. Roasted briefly in a hot oven until the cheese yellowish. Remove and serve warm.

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