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In August 2015, We founded Clickbuy with a simple mission - to make you have more time and money to spend on the important things in life. Let us do the shopping for groceries and household essentials while you sit back and relax. Now after a lot of hard work, challenges and learnings, we’ve built a service that is delivering on this promise. We have over 1.000 products in stock, and are adding more regularly. We offer these products at everyday low prices with regular sales and promotions. We have a state-of-the-art website and to make ordering as easy as possible. And we have the latest warehouse and delivery technologies to ensure your order gets to you as ordered and when you want. We look forward to serving you and if you have any comments, suggestions or otherwise need to reach us, please email us (cs@clickbuy.id) anytime! Sincerely, Gerald Untario, CEO;